Tuesday, September 2, 2014

In the falling leaf, and in a loving smile.

"But behold, the righteous that hearken unto the words of the prophets, and destroy them not, but look forward unto Christ with steadfastness for the signs which are given, notwithstanding all persecution-behold, they are they which shall not perish. But the Son of righteousness shall appear unto them; and he shall heal them, and they shall have peace with him." 2 Nephi 26:8-9

I don't believe there is a "level" of righteousness that must be reached in order to receive the blessings of having Christ appear unto us; be healed by Him; and have peace with Him. I am not saying that He will physically appear unto us, He has appeared to some, and may again according to His will. What I am saying is, as the creator of "the Heavens and Earth, and all things that in them are" (3 Nephi 9:15), Christ appears unto us every single moment...of every single day. He is there, in the very air that is breathed, in the falling of the leaves from the trees, in the ground on which we walk, and in the dirt from which life springs. He is in the warm sun, the source of all energy. He is in the passing of each day as the earth rotates; and in each season as the earth orbits the sun. He is in the cry of a baby, in every kind smile, in every act of kindness, and in every tear. He is there, to hear our prayers, to answer our prayers; to know all our deep feelings. He is there to rejoice with us, to laugh with us, and to cry with us. He is there to hold my hand, and your hand. He is there when we pray, and plead for others. He is our "advocate with the Father...pleading" our case (Doctrine and Covenants 45:3). He is there, as my "friend", and as your "friend" for, "greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). He truly sees us as His friends. The moment we recognize His "appear"ance in the fallen leaf, the warmth of the sun, or a loving smile, you will feel His presence, there in your heart, and you will know, that He knows YOU, and that you ARE His friend. Look for His "appear"ance. Let Him heal you. Have peace with Him.

I believe that once we have witnessed His "appear"ance in our lives, been healed even a small amount, and have felt peace with Him, our desire for righteousness and obedience will increase, that His "appear"ance in our lives will increase. This, not due to an increased effort on His part to be more present in our lives, but instead, due to an increased effort on our part to look for Him, and recognize Him, even in the fallen leaf, and in a loving smile. His infinite effort to be present in our lives has already been given in the atonement, the atonement is enough; it encompasses all, otherwise, it would not be an "infinite atonement" (2 Nephi 9:7). It is our recognition of His "appear"ance in our own lives that must increase.

Related Scriptures:
Doctrine and Covenants 110:4
1 John                   2:1
Alma                    34:12
2 Nephi                 25:16
Mormon                   9:11
3 Nephi                  9:15
Ether                    4:7

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